Service Manual PRELIMINARY
The display command shows the system physical configuration. Display is
equivalent to issuing the SRM console command show configuration. Because it
shows the slot for each module, display can help you identify the location of a
The exit command terminates the LFU program, causes system initialization and
testing, and returns the system to the console from which LFU was called.
The help (or ?) command displays the LFU command list, shown below.
Function Description
Display Displays the system’s configuration table.
Exit Done exit LFU (reset).
List Lists the device, revision, firmware name, and update
Lfu Restarts LFU.
Readme Lists important release information.
Update Replaces current firmware with loadable data image.
Verify Compares loadable and hardware images.
? or Help Scrolls this function table.
The lfu command restarts the LFU program. This command is used when the update
files are on a floppy disk. The files for updating both console firmware and I/O
firmware are too large to fit on a 1.44 MB disk, so only one type of firmware can be
updated at a time. Restarting LFU enables you to specify another update file.