Running Utilities
The list command displays the inventory of update firmware on the CD-ROM,
network, or floppy. Only the devices listed at your terminal are supported for
firmware updates.
The list command shows three pieces of information for each device:
Current Revision — The revision of the device’s current firmware
Filename — The name of the file used to update that firmware
Update revision — The revision of the firmware update image
The readme command lists release notes for the LFU program.
The update command writes new firmware to the module. Then LFU automatically
verifies the update by reading the new firmware image from the module into
memory and comparing it with the source image.
To update more than one device, you may use a wildcard but not a list. For example,
update k* updates all devices with names beginning with k, and update * updates
all devices. When you do not specify a device name, LFU tries to update all devices;
it lists the selected devices to update and prompts before devices are updated. (The
default is no.) The -all option removes the update confirmation requests, enabling
the update to proceed without operator intervention.
CAUTION: Never abort an update operation. Aborting corrupts the firmware on the
The verify command reads the firmware from the module into memory and
compares it with the update firmware. If a module already verified successfully
when you updated it, but later failed tests, you can use verify to tell whether the
firmware has become corrupted.