help command (LFU), A-21, A-22
help command, RCM, C-11
I squared C bus, 1-34
INFO 3 command, 4-59
INFO 5 command, 4-61
INFO 8 command, 4-63
Initialization and answer strings
default, C-26
modifying for modem, C-26
substitutions, C-27
Interlock switches, 6-26
IOD, 2-23
IOD detected failure
PCI error, 4-32
System bus error, 4-27
IOD error interrupts, 4-5
IOD, defined, 4-2
troubleshooting with, 3-2
exit command, A-22
starting, A-5, A-6
starting the utility, A-5
typical update procedure, A-6
update command, A-23
updating firmware from CD-ROM, A-7
updating firmware from floppy disk, A-
11, A-13
updating firmware from network
device, A-17
lfu command (LFU), A-14, A-16, A-21,
LFU commands
display, A-21, A-22
exit, A-10, A-16, A-20, A-21, A-22
help, A-21, A-22
lfu, A-14, A-16, A-21, A-22
list, A-8, A-14, A-16, A-18, A-20, A-
21, A-23
readme, A-21, A-23
summary, A-21
update, A-10, A-21, A-23
verify, A-21, A-23
list command (LFU), A-14, A-18, A-21,
list command, LFU, A-8
Machine checks in PAL mode, 4-58
Maintenance bus, 1-34
Maintenance bus controller, 1-34
MC Error Information Register 0, 5-8
MC Error Information Register 1, 5-9
MC_ERR0 Register, 5-8
MC_ERR1 Register, 5-9
MCHK 620 correctable error, 4-44
MCHK 630 correctable CPU error, 4-41
MCHK 660 IOD detected failure, 4-27, 4-
MCHK 670 CPU and IOD detected
failure, 4-16
MCHK 670 CPU-detected failure, 4-11
MCHK 670 read dirty failure, 4-21
MCHK while in PAL, 4-57
Memory, 1-12
addressing, 1-14
addressing rules, 1-15
DIMM removal and replacement, 6-14
DIMMs, 1-15
operation, 1-13
configuration rules, 1-13
variants, 1-13
Riser Card removal and replacement,
Memory DIMM, 1-12
Memory DIMMs, 6-3
Memory errors
corrected read data error, 4-53