Error Logs 4-53
Double Error Halts and Machine Checks While
in PAL Mode
Two error cases require special attention. Neither double error halts or
machine checks while the machine is in PAL mode result in error log entries.
Nevertheless, information is available that can help determine what error
PALcode Overview
PALcode, privileged architecture library code, is used to implement a number of
functions at the machine level without the use of microcode. This allows operating
systems to make common calls to PALcode routines without knowing the hardware
specifics of each system the operating system is running on. PALcode routines
Instructions that require complex sequencing, such as atomic operations
Instructions that require VAX-style interlocked memory access
Privileged instructions
Memory management
Context swapping
Interrupt and exception dispatching
Power-up initialization and booting
Console functions
Emulation of instructions with no hardware support