Command Reference for AT-IX5-28GPX High Availability, High Power Video Surveillance PoE Switch
C613-50057-01 REV A
AlliedWare Plus™ Operating System - Version 5.4.5-0.x
atmf group (membership)
This command configures a device to be a member of one or more AMF groups.
Groups exist in three forms: Implicit Groups, Automatic Groups, and User-defined
Implicit Groups
all: All nodes in the AMF
current: The current working-set
local: The originating node.
Note that the Implicit Groups do not appear in show group output.
Automatic Groups - These are defined by hardware architecture, e.g. x510,
x610, x8100, AR3050S, AR4050S.
User-defined Groups - These enable you to define arbitrary groups of AMF
members based on your own criteria.
Each node in the AMF is automatically assigned membership to the implicit
groups, and the automatic groups that are appropriate to its node type, e.g. x610,
PoE. Similarly, nodes that are configured as masters are automatically assigned to
the master group.
Use the
variant of this command to remove the membership.
atmf group
no atmf group
Global Configuration
You can use this command to define your own arbitrary groups of AMF members
based on your own network’s configuration requirements. Applying a node to a
non existing group will result in the group automatically being created.
Note that the master nodes are automatically assigned to be members of the
pre-existing master group.
The following example configures the device to be members of three groups; two
are company departments, and one comprises all devices located in building_2. To
avoid having to run this command separately on each device that is to be added to
these groups, you can remotely assign all of these devices to a working-set, then
use the capabilities of the working-set to apply the
atmf group (membership)
command to all members of the working set.
A list of group names. These should be entered as a comma
delimited list without spaces.