Doc. 065447-02 12/14
3 • System Setup
This chapter provides instructions for setting up the system hardware and
Chromeleon software. After completing the setup steps, go on to the
plumbing instructions in
Notes on USB Connections
Always install Chromeleon
connecting the USB (Universal Serial Bus)
cables and turning on the power to the modules and the PC. This ensures that
the USB driver for the modules is automatically loaded and the Windows
operating system can detect the new modules when their power is turned on.
System Setup Checklist
Setup Step
Connect the power cords
Plug in the EGC and CR-TC (RFIC-EG only)
Set up the DC for capillary IC applications
Set up the DC for analytical IC applications
Set up the TC (analytical IC applications only)
Connect the autosampler
Connect modules to the computer
Set up the chromatography software
Connect drain lines
Degas the water
Set up the reservoirs
Set up the piston seal wash system
Prime the pump
Check the conductivity of the water (CD system only)