Dionex ICS-5000
Installation Instructions
Doc. 065447-02 12/14
Sections preceded by the Capillary IC flag contain information that applies to
capillary IC systems only.
Sections preceded by the Analytical IC flag contain information that applies
to analytical IC systems only.
If a section is not flagged, the information in the section applies to both
capillary IC and analytical IC systems.
Facility Requirements
Make sure the Dionex ICS-5000
system installation site meets the power
and environmental specifications for each module. Refer to Appendix A
Dionex ICS-5000
Ion Chromatography System Operator’s Manual
(Document No. 065446) for specifications. The manual is provided on the
Thermo Scientific Reference Library DVD (P/N 053891).
Make sure the installation site has enough power outlets for all system
Provide a sturdy, vibration-free lab bench of a height that ensures
convenient access to the interior of each Dionex ICS-5000
Allow at least 6 cm (2.4 in) of clearance behind and at least 2.5 cm (1 in)
to the sides of the system for power connections and ventilation.
Provide a suitable waste container or drain system for system waste and
sample waste.