Supplementary conditions
The following supplementary conditions are applicable to cycle clock scaling:
● An external DP interface of the D4x5‑2 is used as an isochronous slave interface. Only in
this case can an integer cycle clock scaling of isochronous external DP slave interface to
internal interface be specified. This is checked during compilation and an error message
is output in the event of noncompliance. If the external DP interfaces are configured as
equidistant interfaces but none are configured as slaves and cycle clock scaling is specified
for these interfaces, an error is output during compilation.
● For SERVO, IPO, and IPO2, settings can also be made for all permissible cycle clocks.
Master and slave axes can run in different IPO levels. Different cycle clocks and phase
offsets are tolerated by the system.
The IPO cycle clock of the IPO in which the synchronous operation technology object runs
must be set equal to the cycle clock of the isochronous external DP slave interface.
● The second external DP interface can be operated as an isochronous master (while the
other is an isochronous slave) in order to operate external drives, for example. In this case,
the cycle clock must be the same as the cycle clock of the internal PROFIBUS DP. If this
condition is not satisfied, an error message is output during compilation.
● One or both external DP interfaces can also be operated as non-isochronous, free-running
interfaces. In this case, there is no effect on the cycle clock settings.
Parameter assignment / addressing
6.3 Configuring PROFIBUS DP
Commissioning and Hardware Installation Manual, 03/2018, A5E33441636B