Interconnections on the CX32‑2
At the CX32‑2 end, the CU‑Link communication channel can only be interconnected via the
expert list of the CU.
The following interconnections are already set by default
● p8501[0..3] with cu.r0722.0‑3 (status DI 0 to 3 on CX32‑2)
● p8501[8..11] with cu.r0722.8‑11 (status DI 8 to 11 on CX32‑2)
● p8501[16..17] with cu.r0722.16‑17 (status DI 16 to 17 on CX32‑2)
The interconnections are visible via the expert list and also in the parameter screens for the
CX32‑2 Onboard I/Os (see the following figure).
Figure 7-36
Interconnection of the DO CU_CX32 at the CX32-2 end
Interconnections on the SINAMICS Integrated
For each configured Controller Extension CX32‑2, there is a separate CU‑Link communication
channel, including DO CU_LINK.
It must be considered that the CU_LINK DOs can not directly be configured, i.e. it is not possible
to access the DO CU_LINK via an expert list to interconnect, for example, parameters.
Access to the DO CU_LINK is only indirectly possible via other DOs (e.g. via the drive DO or
the DO or the infeed). Direct interconnection between two CU_Link DOs is therefore not
possible (red arrow in the following figure).
To interconnect two CU_Link DOs, the CU drive object of the SINAMICS Integrated (DO CU_I)
has parameters p8500-p8505 and r8510-r8515. These are visible in the expert list of the
Control Unit of the SINAMICS Integrated and can be used for interconnection (blue arrow in
the following figure).
Commissioning (software)
7.5 Additional information on configuring the SINAMICS Integrated
Commissioning and Hardware Installation Manual, 03/2018, A5E33441636B