With this property, the transfer parameters are ideal for the following applications:
● With the transfer parameters, CU_LINK DOs can be interconnected. This is only possible
using transfer parameters because it is only possible to access a DO CU_LINK indirectly.
● With the transfer parameters, cross-DO interconnections can be created that are
independent of the source DO. For example, if multiple signal sinks are interconnected to
one signal source and the signal source is to be changed, it becomes necessary to change
the interconnection of all signal sources. On the other hand, if the signal sources are
interconnected to a transfer parameter, it is only necessary to change the signal sources
entered in the signal sink of the transfer parameters.
Word-by-word data transfer via p850x/r851x (CU‑Link)
The CU-Link data transfer channels for word-by-word transmission and receipt of information
(p8502 to p8505 and r8512 to r8515) do not have normalization. Therefore they should only
be used for the transmission of drive parameters that are normalized to SI units (V, A, m, s,
etc.) or their derivatives (N, °C, Hz, W, V, etc.) or that are normalized to PERCENT. For
information on normalization, see the Parameter List in the SINAMICS S120/S150 List Manual
under "Normalization".
Voltage (V, normalized acc. to p2001); current (A, normalized acc. to p2002); torque (Nm,
normalized acc. to p2003); temperature (°C, normalized acc. to p2006);
the speed (normalized acc. to p2000) is normalized to rpm and therefore not normalized to an
SI unit. The same applies to power in kW.
For the data transfer via CU-Link, the data source and data sink should have the same
If this is not adhered to, the transferred values may be assigned a factor.
CU-Link data consistency
Data transfer via p8500[0..7] and p8502 to p8505 is consistently performed in the set
DRIVE‑CLiQ basic cycle clock 0 (r0110[0]) at 125 μs.
With p8501[0..21], on the other hand, transmission is performed bit-sequentially, that is, in
each cycle, only one of the 22 bits is transmitted so that all data in parameter r8511 have only
been updated after 2.75 ms (22 bits x 0.125 µs). The individual bits are then not consistent
among themselves.
This behavior only applies to bidirectional data transfer via the CU‑Link (DO CU_Link,
DO CU_CX32). The transfer parameters p850x/r851x in the DO CU_I are always consistent.
Preset interconnections
Some interconnections are already preset in the system (green arrows in the figure above).
Commissioning (software)
7.5 Additional information on configuring the SINAMICS Integrated
Commissioning and Hardware Installation Manual, 03/2018, A5E33441636B