Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
3152B User Manual
EADS North America Test and Services
Operation 3-33
value must be at least 16 mV smaller than
the low level setting and must not be below
-16 V.
There are other parameters that control double pulses, pulse
polarity, and others. Refer to the programming section of this
manual for a complete listing of the digital pulse commands.
Pulse Design
Since the 3152B creates pulses digitally, there are inherent
limitations to these pulses:
1. Step size determines resolution and period.
The 3152B creates pulses digitally using a sample clock generator
that clocks memory points. The rate of the sample clock defines the
incremental resolution. For example, suppose you wish to generate
pulses at a 100 ms pulse rate with 1 ms high time and the rest of
the period low. In this case, you could select a 1 kS/s or 10 kS/s
clock rate because this is fast enough to generate a high signal of
1 ms using just 100 to 1,000 memory points. However, if you
wanted to define much smaller pulse widths at larger pulse rates,
then the number of required points would increase as a function of
the period. The limitation is set by the availability of waveform
2. Sum of pulse parameters cannot exceed the period.
The 3152B will automatically check to determine whether the sum
of all timing components exceeds the period. Always start your
pulse design by assigning the correct pulse period, and then work
your way down the parameters list.
3. Only single-pulse and double-pulse trains can be designed.
The 3152B allows generation of single or double pulse patterns
having fixed high and low amplitude values. If you need to design
complex trains of pulse waveforms, you may do so using the Pulse
Composer in ArbConnection. The pulse composer allows creation
of complex pulse trains with varying amplitude, shape, and number
of pulses.
Generating Half
Cycle Waveforms
The Half-Cycle function is a special case of standard waveforms,
except that the waveforms are generated a half cycle at a time and
displaced by a programmable delay time. In continuous mode, the
half cycles are generated continuously. In triggered mode, one half
at a time is generated only after a valid trigger event is received.
There are three half-cycle waveforms that can be generated: Sine,
Triangle, and Square. Use the commands below to select the half-
cycle function and program the parameters.
func:mod half
Selects the half-cycle function. If you have not
changed parameters, then the output will
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