3152B User Manual
Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
File Menu
The File menu has 4 menu selections which that control waveform
file I/O operations. Also use this menu to print the waveform or to
exit the FM Composer program. Description of the various
commands under File is given below.
New Waveform
The New Waveform command will remove the waveform from the
screen. If you made changes to the waveform area and use this
command, you should save your work before clearing the screen.
The New Waveform command is destructive to the displayed
Open Waveform…
The Open Waveform… menu item lets you browse for previously
saved waveform files and to load these waveforms to the waveform
graph. This command is also very useful for converting waveform
files to FM Composer format files (*.wvf).
Save Waveform
The Save Waveform menu item stores your active waveform as a
binary file with a *.wvf extension. If this is the first time that you save
this FM waveform, the Save Waveform As… command will be
invoked automatically, letting you select name, path, and format for
the waveform file.
Save Waveform As…
Use the Save Waveform As… menu item the first time you save
your waveform. It will let you select name, location and format for
your waveform file.
With this command you may print the active Waveform Window.
The standard printer dialog box will appear and will let you select
printer setup, or print the waveform page.
The Exit command ends the current FM Composer session and
takes you back to the Panels screen. If you made changes to your
waveform since it was last saved, make sure to Save your work
before you use this command.
Wave Commands
The Wave menu lets you create waveforms on the waveform graph.
The Wave menu has a library of 6 waveforms: Sine, Triangle,
Square, Exponent, Pulse, and Noise. It also lets you create
waveforms using an Equation editor. Information how to create
waveforms using the Wave menu is given below.
Creating Waveforms From the Built-in Library
You can create any waveform from the built-in library using the
Wave menu. Clicking on one of the Wave options will open a dialog
box. An example of the Sine waveform dialog box is shown in
Figure 4-54. This dialog box is representative of the rest of the
waveforms, so other waveforms will not be described.
4-74 ArbConnection
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