3152B User Manual
Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
5-120 Programming Reference
EADS North America Test and Services
- Clears all bits in the register.
- Not used.
- Not used.
- Not used.
- Not used.
- Service request on MAV.
- Service request on ESB summary bit.
- Not used.
Standard Event
Status Register
The Standard Event Status Register reports status for special
applications. The 8 bits of the ESR have been defined by the IEEE-
STD-488.2 as specific conditions, which can be monitored and
reported back to the user upon request. The Standard Event Status
Register is destructively read with the *ESR? common query. The
Standard Event Status Register is cleared with a *CLS common
command, with a power-on and when read by *ESR?.
The arrangement of the various bits within the register is firm and is
required by all GPIB instruments that implement the IEEE-STD-488.2.
Description of the various bits is given in the following:
Bit 0
- Operation Complete. Generated in response to the *OPC
command. It indicates that the device has completed all selected and
pending operations and is ready for a new command.
Bit 1
- Request Control. This bit operation is disabled on the 3152B.
Bit 2
- Query Error. This bit indicates that an attempt is being made to
read data from the output queue when no output is either present or
Bit 3
- Device Dependent Error. This bit is set when an error in a
device function occurs. For example, the following command will
cause a DDE error:
VOLTage 5;:VOLTage:OFFSet 2
Both of the above parameters are legal and within the specified limits,
however, the generator is unable to generate such an amplitude and
offset combination.
Bit 4
- Execution Error. This bit is generated if the parameter following
the command is outside of the legal input range of the generator.
Bit 5
– Command Error. This bit indicates the generator received a
command that was a syntax error or a command that the device does
not implement.
Bit 6
- User Request. This event bit indicates that one of a set of local
controls had been activated. This event bit occurs regardless of the
remote or local state of the device.
Bit 7
- Power On. This bit indicates that the device's power source
was cycled since the last time the register was read.
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