3152B User Manual
Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
Pulse Example,
Section 2
The first pulse section is complete. We are ready now to start
building the second section of the pulse as shown in Figure 4-48.
Use the Pulse Composer’s Edit menu to select the Append Section
operation. A new section number will appear but its fields will be
initially empty to the right of the section identifier.
Before you start entering values in this section, note that there are
linear transitions required for this section. Therefore, select the
Time/Level Points option in the Pulse Train Design Format group.
You are now ready to start programming values. If you try to switch
design formats after you have already typed in some values, the
Pulse Editor will display a warning box alerting you that the design
format can only be changed for an empty section. In this case, the
only way to recover is to delete all entries and start from an empty
index list. Type the section entries as shown in the figure.
Figure 4-52, Building Section 2 of the Pulse Example
4-68 ArbConnection
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