Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
3152B User Manual
EADS North America Test and Services
Operation 3-7
the following paragraphs.
Use the following commands to select run modes:
init:cont on
Selects Continuous mode. This is the
default state of the instrument. Use this
command to return to Continuous run
mode from any other interrupted mode.
init:cont off
De-selects Continuous mode. If you did
not previously select a specific interrupted
mode, the generator will automatically be
placed in Triggered mode.
Continuous Run
Upon power-up, the 3152B defaults to Continuous mode and
automatically starts generating waveforms which appear at the
output connector as the output relay is turned on. Use “init:cont on”
to return to Continuous mode from any interrupted mode.
Triggered Run
In Triggered mode, the output remains at a specific DC level until a
trigger event initiates a single output cycle (see “Selecting the
Trigger Source” for details about trigger parameters).
Each time a transition occurs at the trigger input, the 3152B
generates one complete output cycle. At the end of the waveform
cycle, the output assumes a DC level that is equal to the amplitude
of the first point of the waveform.
If you have not invoked any interrupted modes since applying
power to the 3152B, you may use the following command to turn off
Continuous mode and default to Triggered mode:
init:cont off
Turns off Continuous mode, changing to
an interrupted mode. If you have not
selected a specific interrupted run mode
since power-up, the generator will default
to Triggered mode.
If you have used other interrupted modes since power-up, then
send the following command sequence to guarantee a change to
Triggered mode:
init:cont off
Turns Continuous mode off in case this
was the most recent run mode.
trig:retr off
Turns Retriggered mode off in case this
was the most recent interrupted run mode.
trig:gated off
Turns Gated mode off in case this was the
most recent interrupted run mode.
trig:burs off
Turns Burst mode off in case this was the
most recent interrupted run mode.
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