DeviceNet Explicit Messages Set Values and Measurement
Section 4-4
If an E5ZD
SDL Setting Display Unit is used with the E5ZE, and the setting
unit is 0.1
F, the setting range will be limited to F831 to 270F (-199.9 to
• If the alarm temperature that is read is more than 7530 (Hex), the tempera-
ture will be read as 7FFF (Hex), and if the alarm temperature is less than
D8F1 (Hex), then the temperature will be read as 8000 (Hex).
The meaning of the Auto
tuning Start/Stop Bits is as follows:
The contents of the Operation Start/Stop Bit is the same as that for the re-
mote I/O, as shown here.
Read: 0: Operation stopped.
1: Controlling temperature or operating manually.
Write: 0: Stop operation.
1: Start or continue temperature control or continue manual opera-
tion. (Even if 1 is written to a control point that is being operated
manually it will not start temperature control.)
The meaning of the operating status bits is as follows:
Control points that have been set to disable the HB and HS alarms, and
control points that are not operating will be read as 0000 (hex).
0000 to 0514
(0 to 1300)
0000 to 08FC
(0 to 2300)
0000 to 32C8
(0.0 to 1300.0)
0000 to 59D8
(0.0 to 2300.0)
FF9C to 01F4
(-100 to 500)
FF9C to 0384
(-100 to 900)
FC18 to 1388
(-100.0 to 500.0)
FC18 to 2328
(-100.0 to 900.0)
FF9C to 01F4
(-100 to 500)
FF9C to 0384
(-100 to 900)
FC18 to 1388
(-100.0 to 500.0)
FC18 to 2328
(-100.0 to 900.0)
Alarm setting
D8F1 to 270F (-9999 to 9999)
D8F1 to 7530 (-999.9 to 3000.0)
Setting range
Setting unit (1)
Setting unit (0.1)
Auto-tuning Start/Stop
Leftmost bit
Rightmost bit
Set bits 8 to 15 to 00000000. Set the bits corresponding to the control points
to be auto-tuned to 1 and then write the data.
To stop auto-tuning, set the bits corresponding
to the control points to be stopped to 0 and
then write the data.
Operating Status
Leftmost bit
Rightmost bit
Changes from 0 to 1 if any
bit is set to 1.
Outside Temperature
Display Range Flag
Heater Current Overflow Flag
Reserved for the system
Temperature Controller Error Flag
Temperature Control Internal Transmission Error Flag
Input Error Flag
Process Value Overflow Flag
Process Value Underflow Flag