Reading Status
Section 3-3
The following table shows the values that will be contained in the correspond-
ing word under certain conditions.
Reading Status
Alarm Status
Alarms 1 and 2, HB and HS Alarms
The alarm status is expressed in the corresponding word in the PC to which
the Master Unit is connected as shown in the following diagram. The format is
the same for the alarm 1, alarm 2, HB (heater burnout) alarm, and HS (SSR
failure) alarm.
If the alarm 1 is OFF for all control points and then turns ON for control point
3, the contents of the corresponding word in the PC will change as follows:
When alarm 1 turns OFF for control point 3, the contents of the corresponding
word will return to 0000000000000000.
tuning Status
The auto
tuning status is reflected in the corresponding word in the PC to
which the Master Unit is mounted.
Status details
Value (hexadecimal)
Process value overflow or input error
Process value underflow
Temperature Controller error or connec-
tion confirmation standby
0000 or the last value sent
Outside temperature display range
Alarm Status
Leftmost bit
Rightmost bit
0000000 (fixed)
Alarm status for control points 0 to 7
(The bit corresponding to the control
point for which the alarm is ON will
change from 0 to 1.)
This bit will change from 0 to 1 when an
alarm is ON for any control point.
Alarm 1 ON for
control point 3
Auto-tuning Status
Leftmost bit
Rightmost bit
0000000 (fixed)
Auto-tuning status for control points 0 to 7
(The bits corresponding to the control
points that are being auto-tuned will
change from 0 to 1.)
This bit will change from 0 to 1 when
any control point is being auto-tuned.