A-61635 December 2010
Selecting RTF (Unformatted) as your file format:
If you select RTF (Unformatted) as your file format to process your output, the
RTF (Unformatted) Setup dialog will be displayed.
1. Select either
Single Page
as the way to group your image
files in output. Every input (scanned) image file will be a separate output
If you select
, every image you scan is a separate image
file in output. Therefore, if you scan a page, you will have two separate
image file in output (one for the front and one for the back). If you are
scanning dual stream, you will have four image files in output.
If you select
, the
For each
drop-down list becomes
For each: Page
– every image for every page scanned becomes
one file. When you open the file, there will be two images, one for
the front and one for the back. If you are scanning dual stream, you
will have four images.
For each: Documen
t – every page scanned into one document will
become the contents of one file. There may be several (or many)
images in one file.
For each: Batch
– all images scanned into the batch will become
one output file. There may be many images in the output file.
2. Select an
OCR Setting
to balance your speed verses accuracy needs. As
you move the selector to the right additional tools such as language
dictionaries and multiple OCR engines are used to improve accuracy.