A-61635 December 2010
10 Auto Import
Overview .................................................................................................. 10-1
Auto Import Setup .................................................................................... 10-2
Auto Import operation .............................................................................. 10-6
Error handling .......................................................................................... 10-9
Auto Import
allows you to import images into Capture Pro Software without
the use of a local scanner or manual intervention. It does this by observing
special directories called “watch folders”. Files to be imported will be copied
into subfolders within a watch folder which are called
Auto Import
AI batch
folders. Auto import extracts images from these files and streams them into the
Capture Pro Software workstation just as if they had originated from a local
To auto import files create an AI batch folder in a watch folder. The processing
instructions for this AI batch folder have been defined in the Auto Import Setup
process and associated with the watch folder that the AI batch folder is
contained within. A countdown timer will then be started on the new AI batch.
The user will copy files (which may be contained in nested subfolders) into the
AI batch folder. Every time a new file appears anywhere in the AI batch folder
or its subfolders, the countdown timer will be reset to its initial value and the
countdown will begin again. If the timer expires, the AI batch folder will be
locked and added to the end of an auto import capture queue for processing
(see the section entitled, “Auto Import operation” for additional details
regarding AI batch timers and processing flow).
Special batch separation rules can be specified for auto import so new batches
can optionally be created for each new AI batch. Aside from that, processing
will occur as in any other scan job according the job and page setup rules.
Every AI batch will be completely processed before moving to the next.
The following image file formats are supported: tiff, jpg, pdf, bmp, ioca, modca,
gif, cmp and png.