The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 180
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server. For VMware ESX Server version
3.5.0 or earlier, the driver uses the DriverParams command, but it has the same format as
Syntax: hbacmd GetDriverParams <WWPN>
Description: Shows the name and values of each driver parameter for the adapter.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter whose driver parameters you want to view.
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server. For ESX Server version 3.5.0 or
earlier, the driver uses the DriverParamsGlobal command, but it has the same format as
Syntax: hbacmd GetDriverParamsGlobal <WWPN>
Description: Shows the name and the global value of each driver parameter for the adapter.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter whose driver parameter global names and values you
want to view.
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd SaveConfig <WWPN> <FileName> <Flag>
Description: Saves the specified adapter’s driver parameters to a file. The resulting file contains a list of
driver parameter definitions in ASCII file format with definitions delimited by a comma. Each definition is
of the form:
Saves either the values of the global set or those specific to the adapter. The file created by this
command is stored in the Emulex Repository directory.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter whose configuration data you want to save.
FileName - Name of the file that contains the driver parameters list.
Flag - G = Save the global parameter set, N = Save the local (adapter-specific) parameter set.
Note: Driver Parameters that are set temporarily and globally (using the "G" and "T" flags)
must be read using the "GetDriverParams" hbacmd command to view the current
value of the parameter. The "GetDriverParamsGlobal" hbacmd command will display
only permanently set driver parameter values. Additionally, if temporary, global values
have been set for one or more driver parameters, the "SaveConfig" hbacmd com-
mand must be run with the "N" flag (using the "N" flag is analogous to the hbacmd
command "GetDriverParams") to force the driver parameter values for the specified
adapter to be saved. Inaccurate values may be saved if the "G" flag is used for this