The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 36
Logging into Targets
Only connected targets, that is targets that are successfully logged into, are displayed in the discovery-
tree. However, the Targets table in the iSCSI Target Discovery dialog box is composed of all discovered
targets regardless of their connection status. The connection status of each target is displayed in the
'Status' column of the Targets table. Disconnected targets are targets that have not yet been logged into
by the initiator.
Figure 13: Target Login dialog box
To login to a target:
From the iSCSI Target Discovery dialog box, select the target from the Targets table.
Click Target Login. The Target Login dialog box appears. The dialog box displays the Target
Name and Target Alias of the target. When you log into a target and reboot the system, the
OneConnect adapter automatically logs in to that target after the reboot is complete.
Configure Advanced Login Options if you want. See “Specifying Portal Specific Login Options”
on page 34 for more information.
Click OK. If the target was successfully logged into, the target's status in the Targets table will
change to 'Connected'.
Adding an iSCSI Target
The iSCSI Target Discovery dialog box enables you to manually add and login into iSCSI targets.
To manually add an iSCSI target:
From the iSCSI Target Discovery dialog box, click Manually Add Target. The Add iSCSI Target
dialog box appears.
Enter the target iSCSI name, target IP address and TCP port number.
Configure Advanced Login Options if you want. See “Specifying Portal Specific Login Options”
on page 34 for more information.
Click OK. If the target was successfully added and logged into, the target will appear as
‘Connnected’ in the Targets table.
Note: If you are logging into a target more than once, or you are logging into the same
target from multiple iSCSI ports, you must have multi-pathing software installed to
properly present the target‘s LUN(s) to the operating system.