The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 175
The first value is for PGID0, the second is for PGID1, and so on until PGID7.
All eight bandwidths must be specified.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter for which you want to set the bandwidth percentage of a
priority group.
MAC - MAC address of the NIC or iSCSI port for which you want to set the bandwidth percentage of a
priority group.
BW - Bandwidth that is allocated for each Priority Group.
This command sets the bandwidth of PGID0 to 50%, PGID1 to 40% and the rest to 0%.
hbacmd setcnapgbw 10:00:00:00:c9:3c:f7:88 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
FCoE Commands
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd GetFIPParams <WWPN>
Description: Show the FIP parameters of the FC port.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter.
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd SetFIPParam <WWPN> <Param> <Value>
Description: Set the various FIP parameters of the FC port.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter.
pfabric - 8 byte fabric name (format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)
pswitch - 8 byte switch name (format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)
vlanid - 2 byte VLAN ID [0-4095]
'any' for any VLANID
fcmap - 3-byte FC_map, 0x0EFCxx
cinvlanid - 2-byte VLAN_ID [0-4095]
Note: Not supported for LP21000 series adapters.
Note: Not supported for LP21000 series adapters.
Note: Not supported for LP21000 series adapters.