The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 181
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd SetDriverParam <WWPN> <Flag1> <Flag2> <Param> <Value>
Description: Changes the value of a driver parameter and designates the scope of that change.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter whose driver parameters you want to change.
Flag1 - L = Make change local for this adapter only, G = Make change global (all adapters on this host).
Flag2 - P = Make change permanent (persists across reboot), T = Make change temporary.
Param - Name of the parameter to modify.
Value - New value you want to assign to the parameter (Input as decimal, prefix with 0x to input as hex).
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd SetDriverParamDefaults <WWPN> <Flag1> <Flag2>
Description: Changes all values to the default for the adapter(s).
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter whose values you want to change to the default.
Flag1 - L = Make changes local for this adapter only, G = Make changes global (all adapters on this
Flag2 - P = Make changes permanent (persists across reboot), T = Make changes temporary.
Note: For VMware ESX Server: When the SetDriverParam driver command is used to set a
driver parameter persistently and/or requires a reboot, the ramdisk must be rebuilt.
To rebuild the ramdisk for ESX 4.0, type:
# esxcfg-boot --sched-rdbuild
# reboot
To rebuild the ramdisk for ESX 3.5, type:
# esxcfg-boot -b
# reboot
Note: For VMware ESX Server
version 3.5.0 or earlier
, CtrlWord - P = Make change per-
manent, G = Make change global, B = Both, N = Neither.
Note: For VMware ESX Server: When the SetDriverParamDefaults driver command is used
to set a driver parameter persistently and/or requires a reboot, the ramdisk must be
To rebuild the ramdisk for ESX 4.0, type:
# esxcfg-boot --sched-rdbuild
# reboot
To rebuild the ramdisk for ESX 3.5, type:
# esxcfg-boot -b
# reboot