The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 185
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd exportsaninfo [format]
Description: For reporting purposes, captures the SAN information in xml or csv format.
Parameters: None
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd GetVPD <WWPN>
Description: Shows the port’s Vital Product Data (VPD).
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter whose VPD you want to view.
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd ListHBAs
Description: Shows a list of the manageable Emulex adapters found by local, remote in-band (over FC),
and remote out-of-band (over TCP/IP) discovery. For a NIC-only or iSCSI adapter instead of the Port
WWN, the MAC address is displayed. The Node WWN and Fabric WWN are not displayed. The Mode
field indicates whether the port is a NIC or an iSCSI port.
Parameters: None
Supported by: Windows, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd cnageteventlog <WWPN|MAC>
Description: Shows the CNA eventlog specified by the WWPN or MAC address.
Note: Emulex recommends that you redirect this output to a file with proper extension, '.xml'
for XML-formatted files and '.csv' for CSV-formatted files.
Note: Due to the amount of information that must be obtained and reported, this command
can take a very long time on large SAN configurations.
Note: [format] is optional. If the format parameter is specified as csv, adapter information is
shown in csv format. If the format parameter is specified as xml, adapter information
is shown in xml format. Leaving the format parameter blank shows the data in xml
Note: The OneCommand Manager application CLI does its own discovery of FC, NIC, and
iSCSI ports and does not use the Discovery server.
Note: The Mode field indicates whether the adapter is operating as a “Target” or an “Initia-
Note: Supported for OneConnect adapters only.