The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 143
50 ms
100 ms
200 ms
Default AL_PA number - The range is 0x 00-EF. The default is 0x00. This option changes the
AL_PA (Arbitrated Loop Physical Address) of the selected adapter.
OpenBoot Advanced Adapter Settings dialog box
Use this dialog box to configure the Advanced Adapter Settings for the selected OpenBoot adapter.
Figure 82: OpenBoot Advanced Settings dialog box
OpenBoot Advanced Adapter Field Definitions
PLOGI Retry Timer - Sets the PLOGI Retry timer value. Range is 0 to 0xFF.
Default AL_PA (hex) - Sets the default AL_PA. The range is 0 to 0xEF. The default is 0.
Enable the Software Foundation Suite (SFS) - Check to enable the Software Foundation Suite
(SFS) driver (the emlxs driver). The default is the LPFC driver.
Exporting SAN Information
The OneCommand Manager application enables you to create reports about discovered SAN elements.
Reports are generated in .xml and .csv format and include all the SAN information that is displayed
through the various OneCommand Manager application tabs.
To create a SAN report:
From the File menu, select Export SAN Info.
Browse to a folder and enter a filename with .xml or .csv extension.
Click Save to start the export process.
Note: Creating a SAN report can take several minutes for a large SAN.