The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 56
SCSI Status Errors - The number of SCSI status errors sent to the initiator.
SCSI Queue Full Errors - The number of QFULL errors sent to the initiator.
SCSI Sense Errors - The number of times sense data was sent to the initiator.
SCSI Residual Over - The number of residual overruns returned to the initiator.
SCSI Residual Under - The number of residual underruns returned to the initiator.
Viewing iSCSI Statistics
When you select an iSCSI initiator from the discovery-tree, the iSCSI Statistics tab contains statistics
associated with the selected initiator.
To view iSCSI port statistics:
Select Host view.
Select an iSCSI initiator node in the discovery-tree.
Click the iSCSI Statistics tab.
Figure 25: iSCSI Statistics tab
iSCSI Statistics Field Definitions
Node Roles - The node role for this iSCSI initiator.
Portal Count - The number of rows in the iscsiPortaltypeTable which are currently associated
with this iSCSI instance.
Node Count - The number of rows in the iscsiNodetypeTable which are currently associated with
this iSCSI instance.
Note: No iSCSI information is displayed when using the CIM provider for VMware ESX.