CPI Canada Inc.
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CMP 200
X-Ray Generator Service Manual Ch # 901476-01 Rev. C
Page 1-5
EMC (EN 60601-1-2:2001/IEC 60601-1-2:2001)
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions
The VZW2556 series of X-ray generators is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the VZW2556 series should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Emissions test
Electromagnetic environment - guidance
RF emissions
Group 1
The VZW2556 series of X-ray generators use RF energy only for
their internal functions. Therefore, the RF emissions are very low
and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby electronic
RF emissions
Class A
(The VZW2556
series of X-ray
generators in
combination with
shielded location)
IEC 61000-3-2
Not Applicable
flicker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3
Not Applicable
The VZW2556 series of X-ray generators must be used only in a
shielded location with a minimum RF shielding effectiveness and,
for each cable that exits the shielded location, a minimum RF filter
attenuation of 40dB from 30 MHz to 230 MHz and 47dB from 230
MHz to 1 GHz. (The minimum at 30 MHz is 40dB and the
minimum at 230 MHz is 47dB).
The VZW2556 series is suitable for use in all establishments other
than domestic and those directly connected to the public low-
voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for
domestic purposes.
NOTE It is essential that the actual shielding effectiveness and filter attenuation of the shielded location be
verified to assure that they meet the minimum specifications.