CPI Canada Inc.
Regular Maintenance
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CMP 200
X-Ray Generator Service Manual Ch # 901476-08 Rev. B
Page 6-5
Description of Preventative Maintenance
Every 6 Months AND
whenever a related
certifiable X-ray
component is replaced:
1. Clean and re-grease all HV connections using vapor proof compound.
2. Check that all HV connections are tight.
3. Clean the control console, and main cabinet as needed.
4. Perform the X-ray tube auto calibration routine; refer to Chapter 3C.
5. Verify the calibration of the generator; refer to Chapter 4.
6. Test the X-ray tube thermal switch circuits in the generator.
Disconnect the tube thermal switch and verify the correct error
message, and that X-ray exposures are inhibited.
7. Perform any additional tests required by laws governing this
8. For units with the touchscreen console, perform touch screen
calibration. Refer to chapter 3C for the proper calibrating procedure.
Every 12 months:
1. Examine the following for any visible damage and replace any
damaged components:
The exterior of the control console, including the membrane
switch assembly.
The cable between the control console and the generator main
The hand switch (if used) and the cables connecting this to the
The HT cables.
2. Open the generator main cabinet and examine the unit for any visible
damage: missing or loose ground connections, oil leaks, damaged
cables etc.
Every 3 years:
Replace the cooling fan in the generator main cabinet.
Every 5 years:
1. Replace the Timekeeper SRAM battery on the generator control
board. Refer to the spares list in chapter 8 for the required part
number. Refer to 6.7.0 for the battery replacement procedure.
2. Replace the lithium battery in the membrane control console. Refer to
the spares list in chapter 8 for the required part number. Refer to 6.7.0
for the battery replacement procedure.