Boat Systems
Section 4
Bow T hruster
This boat is eq uipped with a 4 kW bow thruster with a
dedica ted battery bank and ch arging system. The
elect rica lly driven bow thruster gives the operator more
maneuverability of the bow when docki
ng or maneuvering
the vessel in narrow ch annels or where space is at a
The bow thruster joystick
loca ted on the co ntrol station
switch panel is used to operate the thruster and maneuver
the bow of the boat. The bow thruster motor, batteries
and battery ch arger ca n be acce
ssed by lifting the
forward hatch under the ca bin bunk. The battery switch
is acce
ssed through the aft hatch under the ca bin bunk.
The bow thruster batteries have a dedica ted ch arger
that is powered by shore power or by the generator. The
breake r on the main distribution panel must be turned on
to enable ch arging.
T o O p erate T he Bow T hruster:
1 . Turn ON battery switch .
2 . P ress the act ivation button for one seco nd.
3 . P ush the joystick
and move it in the direct ion you
wish to move the bow.
When the desired boat movement has been ach ieved
return the joystick
to the ce nter position ( spring return) .
The bow thruster motor is eq uipped with an internal
thermally act ivated breake r. The thermal breake r
protect s the motor from overheating. To avoid damage
to the thruster, if the thermal breake r trips allow the unit
to co ol down before co ntinuing operation.
DO NO T move the joystick p ort to starb oard in
q uick succession as this could damage the motor.
Refer to the manufact urer’ s manual in the operator’ s
t for c omplete instruct ions and warranty information.
Содержание 37 Justice Series
Страница 24: ...Section 1 Safety 1 12 O p erator s Notes...
Страница 56: ...Section 2 Boat O p eration 2 32 O p erator s Notes...
Страница 60: ...3 4 Section 3 F uel System Diesel F uel System Diagram F O RWARD...
Страница 61: ...3 5 F uel System Section 3 Gasoline F uel System Diagram F O RWARD...
Страница 74: ...4 2 Section 4 Boat Systems...
Страница 75: ...4 3 Boat Systems Section 4...
Страница 76: ...4 4 Section 4 Boat Systems...
Страница 77: ...4 5 Boat Systems Section 4...
Страница 78: ...4 6 Section 4 Boat Systems...
Страница 107: ...4 35 Boat Systems Section 4 F O RWARD...
Страница 134: ...4 62 Section 4 Boat Systems O p erator s Notes...
Страница 145: ...5 11 Electrical Systems Section 5 Main DC Breaker Panel...
Страница 146: ...5 12 Section 5 Electrical Systems Main AC Breaker Panel...
Страница 148: ...5 14 Section 5 Electrical Systems H elm Breaker Panel...
Страница 149: ...5 15 Electrical Systems Section 5 L eaning Post Breaker Panel...
Страница 150: ...5 16 Section 5 Electrical Systems Battery Switch Breaker Panel...
Страница 155: ...5 21 Electrical Systems Section 5 Battery System Diagram...
Страница 156: ...5 22 Section 5 Electrical Systems Battery Switch Panel Diagram...
Страница 157: ...5 23 Electrical Systems Section 5 H elm Breaker Panel Diagram...
Страница 158: ...5 24 Section 5 Electrical Systems H elm Switch Panel Diagram...
Страница 159: ...5 25 Electrical Systems Section 5 L eaning Post Switch Panel Diagram...
Страница 160: ...5 26 Section 5 Electrical Systems L ighting Schematic Deck...
Страница 161: ...5 27 Electrical Systems Section 5 Windlass Schematic...
Страница 162: ...5 28 Section 5 Electrical Systems O verb oard Discharge Panel and H olding T ank Schematic...
Страница 163: ...5 29 Electrical Systems Section 5 DC Distrib ution Panel...
Страница 164: ...5 30 Section 5 Electrical Systems DC Wiring Schematic Cab in...
Страница 165: ...5 31 Electrical Systems Section 5 H ardtop Schematic...
Страница 166: ...5 32 Section 5 Electrical Systems 120 0 Shore ower Schematic...
Страница 167: ...5 33 Electrical Systems Section 5 AC Distrib ution Panel 120 0...
Страница 168: ...5 34 Section 5 Electrical Systems 220 0 Shore ower Schematic...
Страница 169: ...5 35 Electrical Systems Section 5 AC istribution anel 220 0...
Страница 170: ...5 36 Section 5 Electrical Systems Bow T hruster Schematic...
Страница 171: ...5 37 Electrical Systems Section 5 Bilge Wiring Schematic...
Страница 172: ...5 38 Section 5 Electrical Systems Stereo Schematic...
Страница 178: ...5 44 Section 5 Electrical Systems O p erator s Notes...
Страница 212: ...6 34 Section 6 Maintenance Operator s Notes...
Страница 214: ......