IM 701240-01
Frequency (Number of Rotations, Period, Duty Cycle, Power Supply Frequency, Pulse
Width, Pulse Integration, and Velocity) Measurement (Input Module 701280)
Zooming Vertically by Setting the Upper and Lower Limits of the Display Range ....... 5-15
Setting the Frequency (Number of Rotations, Period, Duty Cycle, Power Supply
Frequency, Pulse Width, Pulse Integration, and Velocity) Measurement .................... 5-33
Logic Waveform Measurement
Setting the B > Time, B < Time, or B Timeout (Pulse Width) Trigger (ENHANCED) .. 6-30
Acquiring Data Using the Sequential Store Function (Single (N) Mode) ....................... 7-8
Setting the Action When Waveform Display Is Updated (Action-on-Stop) .................. 7-13