IM 701240-01E
Auto setup automatically sets the settings such as voltage range, record time, and trigger
level that are appropriate for the input signal.
Center Position after Auto Setup
The center position is always 0 V.
Target Channels
Auto setup is performed on all channels or on the specified channel.
Applicable Modules
701250 (HS10M12), 701251 (HS1M16), 701255 (NONISO_10M12), 701267 (HV (with
RMS)), 701261 (UNIVERSAL), 701262 (UNIVERSAL (AAF)), and 701275 (ACCL/VOLT)
Canceling Auto Setup
Pressing the Auto Setup Undo soft key sets the SL1400 back to the condition that
existed immediately before auto setup. However, if you turn OFF the power switch, the
settings that existed immediately before auto setup are cleared. Therefore, the “Undo”
operation is not possible in this case. The settings that existed immediately before auto
setup are cleared, if you execute initialization after auto setup.
Applicable Waveforms for Auto Setup
Approx. 10 kHz
Absolute value of the input voltage: Maximum value is between approximately 20 mV
(1:1) and ((maximum range)
Repetitive waveform (that is not complex)
When the input coupling is set to DC
The auto setup function may not work properly, if the waveform includes DC components or
high-frequency components.
4.5 Performing Auto Setup