IM 701240-01E
Data Size
The following table shows the data size when the record length is set to 100 kW,
waveform data of CH1 to CH4 are saved, all Math channels are turned OFF, and using
history waveform 1 condition.
Data Type
Data Size (Bytes)
Approx. 800 K ((100 kW + 32)
4 channels
the number of
history waveforms
Approx. 2 K (approx. 3 K when Math1 and Math2 are ON)
4 to 5 MW
Approx. 1.6 M ((100 kW + 32)
4) ¥ the number of history
Waveform to Be Saved (Trace)
• You can save all the waveforms or the specified waveforms from CH1 to CH16, Math
waveforms, and logic waveforms.
• The setup data including vertical axis, horizontal axis, and trigger of the waveform to
be saved are also saved.
• For waveforms that are loaded using the history memory function, you can select
whether to save all of the history data, save the average of the history data, or save
just the current displayed waveform on the screen. If History is set to All, MATH
channels are not saved. If you want to save the data of the MATH channels, set
History to One. You can also save only the results obtained by searching the history
memory data. For a description of searching the history memory data, see section
11.2 and 11.3.
• For a description of snapshot waveforms, see section 13.10.
Selecting the Range of the Waveform to Be Saved
Select the range (region) of the waveform from the choices below. Only the data that has
been saved by selecting Binary in the aforementioned section “Selecting the Data Type”
can be loaded in the SL1400.
• Main
The range of the normal (Main) waveform. It is the range defined by the displayed
record length (range displayed on the screen).
• Z1
The range of zoom waveform Z1.
• Z2
The range of zoom waveform Z2.
Compressing the Data and Saving: P-P Comp (When Data Type Is Set to Binary)
You can select whether to P-P compress the waveform data before saving.
Power spectrum computation data cannot be saved using P-P compression.
Decimating the Data and Saving (When Data Type Is Set to ASCII)
When saving to ASCII format, data is decimated and converted to ASCII format before
the data is saved.
Save interval:
OFF (no decimation), Per 5, Per 10, Per 20, Per 50, Per 100, Per 200,
Per 500, Per 1000, Per 2000, or Per 5000
For example, if you select Per 5, the data is decimated as follows:
“First data point” “+5” “+10” “+15” ...
13.8 Saving and Loading Waveform Data