IM 701240-01E
The results of the automated measurement of waveform parameters can be saved in
CSV format (.CSV extension) to a PC card, an external SCSI device, the internal hard
disk (option), or the USB storage device.
A CSV file is a comma-separated format file. The CSV file is one of the common file
formats used to exchange data between spreadsheet and database applications.
The data that are saved are the measured results of the parameters that are specified in
the automated measurement of waveform parameters.
Notes When Saving the Results of the Automated Measurement of Waveform
The restrictions are as follows.
• Up to (48000/the number of items that are turned ON) data points before the point at
which the save operation is executed are saved. However, the data points that are
saved are limited to those that are acquired after fixing the record time, record length,
and Measure settings.
Output Example
“CH1 P-P”,
“CH1 Max”,
“CH1 Min”,
“CH2 P-P”
Oldest data
Most recent data
For a description of the automated measurement of waveform parameters, see
section 11.5.
Data Size
The data size can be derived from the following equation.
Data size = the number of items
the number of history waveforms (bytes)
Data Extension
The extension is .CSV.
The selection of the medium and directory, file name, comments, auto naming function,
specification of the files to be displayed in the File List window, and properties are the
same as those for saving/loading normal waveform data.
For details, see section 13.8.
An error occurs, if a key other than the Abort key is pressed while saving a file.
This function cannot be used when using the FTP server function, network printer function,
or the Web server function.
If you change the measurement conditions after performing automated measurement of
waveform parameters, the measured results are cleared. At this point, the measured
results after the change are displayed on the screen, but they cannot be saved to a file.
13.11 Saving the Results of the Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters