IM 701240-01E
Normal Statistical Processing (Statistics)
Statistical processing is performed on all acquired waveforms while acquiring
waveforms. If you stop the waveform acquisition and start it again, statistical processing
continues from the statistical processing result obtained up to the previous stop.
Statistical processing is performed on the selected parameters for automated
measurement that are not displayed. Therefore, if you disable the statistical processing
of a displayed automated measurement parameter while waveform acquisition is in
progress, the statistical processing results of the next selected automated measurement
parameter in line to be displayed are displayed. The number of measured values used in
the statistical processing (Cnt) is the number of waveforms that have been acquired up
to that point.
If you add statistical processing on a new automated measurement parameter while
waveform acquisition is in progress or when it is stopped, the number of measured
values used in the statistical processing (Cnt) is the number of waveforms that have
been acquired since the parameter was added.
Cyclic Statistical Processing
The cycle of the displayed waveform is determined in order from the oldest data, the
selected parameters for automated measurement are measured on the data within the
cycle, and statistical processing is performed. The cycle is determined in the same
fashion as the Period for the waveform parameter. You can select whether to apply the
cycle of the specified waveform to all waveforms or determine the cycle for each
• CH, Math:
Performs automated measurement of waveform parameters on all target
waveforms per cycle of the specified channel, and performs statistical
• Own:
Determines the cycle for each target waveform, performs automated
measurement of waveform parameters for each cycle, and performs
statistical processing. However, if signals of different cycles are applied
to multiple channels, automated measurement of waveform parameters
and statistical processing are performed for the number of cycles of the
channel whose cycle is the slowest on all other channels.
In the left figure, the number of
cycles of the channel whose
cycle is the slowest (CH3) is 4.
Therefore, statistical
processing is performed on the
4 oldest cycles of data for CH1
and CH2, also. The rest of the
data is not used in statistical
When Own is selected as the waveform used to determine the cycle
Applicable cycles
Applicable cycles
Applicable cycles
Statistical processing is performed from the oldest data of the displayed waveform in
blocks of cycles.
It can not be used with the 1 cycle mode at the same time.
In addition, the following waveform parameters are not measured:
• For waveforms on which the cycle is measured:
Avg Freq (average frequency), Avg
Period (average period), PlsN (pulse count), Int1XY (area), Int2XY (area), and Delay.
• For other waveforms: Int1XY (area), Int2XY (area), and Delay.
11.6 Performing Statistical Processing