2014-MAY-02 REV. 0 PAGE 4-9
Relay Circuit Cable (Yellow Connectors)
Connects external signaling devices and components to
• System controls external devices (supplied by others) using
two (2) internal, programmable, Form C relays
• Relays can be programmed to provide indication for Alarm or
Fault (Relay #1), and Shutdown or Alarm (Relay #2).
1. Determine location of connection points for external
2. Plan route for the relay circuit cable from the ICM to the
local termination points (note end points for cable lengths).
Choose a path in accessible locations providing protection
from undue wear, damage, and heat. Keep cables as far
away as possible from equipment electric cables, partic
ularly power cables to and from generators and electric
motors; also avoid:
• Antennas and associated cables
• Fire hazard areas
• Areas exposed to mechanical damage
• Proximity to moving parts
• Areas subject to debris accumulation
• Areas exposed to high temperatures (turbo chargers,
exhaust equipment, etc.)
• Areas requiring access by equipment service and main
tenance personnel
3. Select appropriate cable lengths for area of installation.
See Section 2 - Components, page 2-7, for available
Auxiliary Output Circuit Cable (Green Connectors)
Connects external signaling devices and components to
CHECKFIRE 210 ICM, and provides a power source when
operating the CHECKFIRE 210 on external power.
• External power provides feedthrough of 12/24 VDC @ 1.5 A
nominal to auxiliary output circuit
• Auxiliary Output Voltage is only available if operating the
CHECKFIRE 210 System on external power
1. Determine location of connection points for external
2. Plan route for the auxiliary output circuit cable from the
ICM to the local termination points (note end points for
cable lengths). Choose a path in accessible locations
providing protection from undue wear, damage, and heat.
Keep cables as far away as possible from equipment elec
tric cables, particularly power cables to and from genera
tors and electric motors; also avoid:
• Antennas and associated cables
• Fire hazard areas
• Areas exposed to mechanical damage
• Proximity to moving parts
• Areas subject to debris accumulation
• Areas exposed to high temperatures (turbo chargers,
exhaust equipment, etc.)
• Areas requiring access by equipment service and main
tenance personnel
3. Select appropriate cable lengths for area of installation.
See Section 2 - Components, page 2-6, for available
sizes. Maximum circuit current rating is 1.5A.
Power Circuit Cables (Green Connectors)
Connects CHECKFIRE 210 ICM to 12/24 VDC nominal exter-
nal power source using the Power Circuit Cable and the Fused
Power Circuit Cable (connects to external power supply).
1. Determine location of power source that will provide the
following current load capabilities.
Nominal 6 mA @ 10.2 VDC
• Maximum Alarm/Fault 80 mA @ 10.2 VDC
Nominal 6 mA @ 28.0 VDC
• Maximum Alarm/Fault 35 mA @ 28.0 VDC
*Does not include AUX OUTPUT load of up to 1.5 A
2. Plan route for the Power Circuit Cable from the ICM
module to the end point of the Fused Power Circuit
Cable (note end points for both cables). Choose a path
in accessible locations providing protection from undue
wear, damage, and heat. Keep the cables as far away as
possible from equipment electric cables, particularly power
cables to and from generators and electric motors; also
• Antennas and associated cables
• Fire hazard areas
• Areas exposed to mechanical damage
• Proximity to moving parts
• Areas subject to debris accumulation
• Areas exposed to high temperatures (turbo chargers,
exhaust equipment, etc.)
• Areas requiring access by equipment service and main
tenance personnel
3. Select appropriate cable lengths for area of installation.
See Section 2 - Components, page 2-7, for available
Detection and Actuation System