PAGE 4-10 REV. 0 2014-MAY-02
Detection and Actuation System
Optional Discharge Pressure Switch Assembly
Install switch in expellant gas actuation line next to inlet port on
the agent tank. Make certain to protect switch and connections
from potential damage.
The switch must be on a branch line in detection circuit #2
with an EOL Device completing the main trunk of the tee.
Pressure switch activates on expellant gas release.
Label Package
Include a Label Package (Part No. 440798) to identify specific
procedures of the system to equipment operators.
System Layout
Once components are selected and locations are determined,
complete a final drawing of the system layout. This drawing
should at a minimum include the following:
• Hazard area locations
• Component locations (include external power source)
• Routes for all connecting circuits with cable lengths identified.
Indicate areas where cable must pass-through bulkheads.
Use circuit bulkhead connectors to support and protect cables.
(Confirm acceptable pass-through locations with vehicle/equip
ment manufacturer.) The drawing should be as precise as
possible to avoid installation problems later.
Compile a list of components to confirm system includes all
required parts (review Planning Checklist Template, page
4-11). The CHECKFIRE System is complete when all neces
sary components combine to provide automatic fire detection
and activation of the fire suppression system for protected