2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
Section 14: TSP command reference
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
Opening the relay disconnects external circuitry from the inputs and outputs of the instrument. To
prevent excessive wear on the output relay, do not use this output-off state for tests that turn the
output off and on frequently.
The high-impedance output-off state should be used when the instrument is connected to a power
source or another source-measure instrument. In some cases, it may also be appropriate for devices
such as capacitors.
When the zero output-off state is selected and you turn off the output:
The measurement sense is changed to 2-wire
The voltage source is selected and set to 0
The range is set to the presently selected range (turn off autorange)
If the source is voltage, the current limit is not changed
If the source is current, the current limit is set to the programmed source current value or to 10%
full scale of the present current range, whichever is greater
When the zero output-off state is selected, you can use the instrument as an ammeter because it is
outputting 0 V.
When the guard output-off state is selected and the output is turned off, the following actions occur:
The measurement sense is changed to 2-wire
The current source is selected and set to 0 A if the source is set to current (amps); otherwise, the
output remains a voltage source when the output is turned off
The voltage limit is set to 10% full scale of the present voltage range
Note that the front-panel display does not reflect all of the changes. For example, the 4-wire display
indicator continues to display when the output is off, even though the sense is changed to 2-wire.
smu.source.offmode = smu.OFFMODE_HIGHZ
Sets the output-off state so that the
instrument opens the output relay when the
output is turned off.
Also see
(on page 4-16)
(on page 14-164)