2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
Section 4: Sourcing and measuring
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
Storing configuration index 3
Use one of the following methods to:
Set the time it takes to perform the current measurement (the NPLC setting) to 2.
Set the instrument source level to 4.0 V.
Store all active source settings to
as configuration index 3 by appending to the
end of the list.
In this example, the NPLC is set to 2 to demonstrate that a setting not part of the source configuration
list settings will not be saved.
Using SCPI commands:
:SENSe:CURRent:NPLCycles 2
:SOURce:VOLTage:LEVel 4
:SOURce:CONF:LIST:STORe "MySourceList"
Using TSP commands:
smu.measure.func = smu.FUNC_DC_VOLTAGE
smu.measure.nplc = 2
smu.source.level = 4
The following figure shows the active state of the instrument after you change the source level to
4.0 V. Notice that the NPLC setting is not stored in
because this setting is not a
stored source setting.
Instrument settings stored in a source configuration list
(on page 4-88) for a complete list of
source settings that the instrument stores in a source configuration list.
Figure 85: Example configuration point 3