DocID13284 Rev 2
Asynchronous / synchronous serial interface
Pin TXD0/P3.10 must be configured for alternate data output, P3.10 = ‘1’ and DP3.10 = ‘1’,
in order to provide the shift clock. Pin RXD0/P3.11 must be configured as alternate data
input (DP3.11 = ‘0’).
Synchronous reception is stopped by clearing bit S0REN. A currently received byte is
completed including the generation of the receive interrupt request and an error interrupt
request, if appropriate. Writing to the transmit buffer register while a reception is in progress
has no effect on reception and will not start a transmission.
If a previously received byte has not been read out of the receive buffer register at the time
the reception of the next byte is complete, both the error interrupt request flag S0EIR and
the overrun error status flag S0OE will be set, if the overrun check has been enabled by
10.3 Hardware
To improve the safety of serial data exchange, the serial channel ASC0 provides an error
interrupt request flag, which indicates the presence of an error, and three (selectable) error
status flags in register S0CON, which indicate which error has been detected during
reception. Upon completion of a reception, the error interrupt request flag S0EIR will be set
simultaneously with the receive interrupt request flag S0RIR, if one or more of the following
conditions are met:
If the framing error detection enable bit S0FEN is set and any of the expected stop bit is
not high, the framing error flag S0FE is set, indicating that the error interrupt request is
due to a framing error (Asynchronous mode only).
If the parity error detection enable bit S0PEN is set in parity bit receive modes, and the
parity check on the received data bit proves false, the parity error flag S0PE is set,
indicating that the error interrupt request is due to a parity error (Asynchronous mode
If the overrun error detection enable bit S0OEN is set and the last character received
was not read out of the receive buffer by software or PEC transfer at the time the
reception of a new frame is complete, the overrun error flag S0OE is set indicating that
the error interrupt request is due to an overrun error (Asynchronous and synchronous
ASC0 baud rate generation
The serial channel ASC0 has its own dedicated 13-bit Baud rate generator with 13-bit reload
capability, allowing Baud rate generation independent of the GPT timers. The Baud rate
generator is clocked by f
/ 2. The timer is counting downwards and can be started or
stopped through the Baud rate Generator Run bit S0R in register S0CON. Each underflow
of the timer provides one clock pulse to the serial channel. The timer is reloaded with the
value stored in its 13-bit reload register each time it underflows. The resulting clock is again
divided according to the operating mode and controlled by the Baud rate Selection bit
S0BRS. If S0BRS = ‘1’, the clock signal is additionally divided to 2/3rd of its frequency (see
formulas and table). So the Baud rate of ASC0 is determined by the CPU clock, the reload
value, the value of S0BRS and the operating mode (asynchronous or synchronous).
Register S0BG is the dual-function Baud rate Generator/Reload register. Reading S0BG
returns the content of the timer (bit 15...13 return zero), while writing to S0BG always
updates the reload register (bit 15...13 are insignificant).