Waveform Analysis
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
To enable the history:
1. Tap the Menu button, and select "History" on the menu.
2. Enable "History".
History Settings
Access: "History" menu
Enables the history function. The instrument stores the captured waveforms in seg-
ments. After stopping the acquisition, you can analyze them.
Remote command:
Number of Segments
Sets the number of segments to be stored.
If zoom or mathematics are active during acquisition, the actual number of
stored segments can be less than the defined number. To avoid the decrease of stored
waveforms, disable zoom and mathematics before you acquire the waveforms. You
can enable zoom and mathematics later in stop mode and use them to analyze any of
the history segments.
Remote command:
Player Speed
Defines how fast the history player shows the stored segments.
History (Option R&S