Waveform Analysis
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
Waveform Analysis
The zoom magnifies a part of the waveform to view more details with a maximum
zoom factor of 100.
To activate the zoom:
► Press the [ZOOM] key.
The zoom is applied to all active analog and digital channels and math waveforms. The
waveforms are displayed with a shorter time scale while the vertical scale remains
unchanged. The zoom indicator on the bottom shows the size and position of the zoom
area in the waveform.
To adjust the zoom using the wheel:
1. Check if the zoom has the focus - an orange frame on the zoom indicator. If not,
press the [ZOOM] key.
Figure 4-1: Zoomed waveform and zoom indicator with focus on zoom scale
Figure 4-2: Zoom indicator with focus on zoom position
2. Turn the wheel.
Depending on the focus, the position of the zoom area or the zoom scale (time
base of the zoom) is adjusted.
3. Press the wheel to toggle the setting.