Waveform Setup
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
Pulse width
This setting is available for user-defined video signals if "Standard" is set to "Custom".
Remote command:
Sets the scanning system.
This setting is available for user-defined video signals if "Standard" is set to "Custom".
Interlace scanning uses two fields to create a frame. One field con-
tains all the odd lines (odd, first, or upper filed), the other contains all
the even lines of the image (even, second, or lower field). First the
lines of the odd filed are processed, then the lines of the even field.
Progressive scanning is a method to capture, transmit and display all
lines of a frame in sequence.
Progressive segmented frame uses progressive scanning to capture
the frame, and interlaced scanning for transmission and display.
Remote command:
External Trigger (R&S
The R&S
RTH1002 has an edge trigger to trigger on an external signal.
1. Connect the external trigger signal to the DMM input:
a) Ground to black COM input.
b) Signal to red input.
2. Press the [SETUP] key.
3. Select "Trigger Type" = "External"
Description of settings