Waveform Analysis
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
Enables or disables the selected measurement.
Remote command:
Selects the measurement type. For a detailed description, see
Remote command:
Source / Source 2
Defines the waveform to be measured. For delay, phase, and power measurements, 2
sources are required.
The sources can be any active input signal, math or reference waveform. Available
source waveforms depend on the measurement type, see
Remote command:
All off
Disables all active measurements.
Remote command:
Sets the slope for the delay measurement type.
Delay between the first rising edge of each source waveform.
Delay between the first falling edge of each source waveform.
Delay between the first edge of each source waveform, no matter if it
is rising or falling.
Remote command:
Cursor Measurements
The cursor measurement determines the results at the current cursor positions, or per-
forms gated automatic measurements between the cursor lines. The cursors can be
positioned manually at fixed positions, or they can follow the waveform.
You can perform cursor measurements on analog input signals, math waveform, XY-
diagram, as well as on logic channels (requires option R&S
Cursor Measurements