Protocol Analysis
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
one optional pulse
variable pulse length: 12 to 768 clock ticks
can be used to create a transmission with constant number of clock ticks
SENT Slow Channel
Short Serial Messages
For transmission of a slow channel message, 2 bits are included in a fast channel mes-
sage, see the status nibble (Bit 2,3) in
A short serial message needs 16 fast channel messages until it is completely transmit-
ted. Prerequisite for the complete transmission of the slow channel message are 16
consecutive error-free fast channel transmissions.
Figure 9-40: One serial message, composed of 16 SENT consecutive fast channel transmissions
Enhanced Serial Messages
The transmission of an enhanced serial message format requires 18 fast channel
transmissions. Each slow channel message is assigned a message ID, which is trans-
mitted with the data.
The enhanced serial message format provides two alternatives for configuring the
4 bit ID and 16 bit data
8 bit ID and 12 bit data
The graphs below illustrate the variants.
SENT (Option R&S