Protocol Analysis
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
Defines how the defined serial data pattern is compared with the acquired signal. The
instrument triggers if the acquired data word is equal or unequal the defined pattern.
Remote command:
Bit Offset
Sets the number of bits before the first bit of the pattern. These bits are ignored. The
first bit after CS or timeout is bit 0. For example, with bit offset = 2, bit 0 and bit 1 after
CS are ignored, and the pattern starts with bit 2.
Remote command:
Chip Select
Defines if the SPI bus uses a chip select line or not.
Remote command:
SPI Decode Results
This chapter describes the comb display and the decode results table of decoded SPI
buses. Basic information on decoding and display of decode results is given in
Figure 9-16: Comb display of a decoded SPI signal, triggered on frame start
SPI (Option R&S