Waveform Setup
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
The average is calculated from the data of the current acquisition and
several acquisitions before. The method reduces random noise. It
requires a stable, triggered and periodic signal. The number of
acquisitions for average calculation is defined with
The minimum and maximum values in a sample interval over several
acquisitions are saved. The most extreme values of all acquisitions
build the envelope. The resulting diagram shows two envelope wave-
forms: the minimums (floor) and maximums (roof) representing the
borders in which the signal occurs.
Remote command:
Number of Averages
Sets the number of waveforms used to calculate the average waveform.
Remote command:
Reset Waveform
Restarts the envelope and average calculation.
Remote command:
Sampling Rate C1 - C4
Shows the number of recorded analog waveform points per second. The sample rate is
the reciprocal value of the resolution.
Sampling Rate D7 - D0
Shows the number of recorded digital waveform points per second. Only available if
the mixed signal option R&S
RTH-B1 is installed, and logic channels are active.
Preselected Record Len.
Sets the record length.
Sets the maximum record length.
Limits the record length to 12.5 ksample.
Limits the record length to 1.25 ksample.
Remote command:
Act. Record Len. C1 - C4
Shows the actual record length of analog channels. The actual value can be lower than
the value set with
on page 48, depending on various condi-
Number of active channels
"Acquisition Mode" is "Peak Detect" or "High Resolution"
If the history option R&S
RTH-K15 is installed: "Number of Segments". A high
"Number of Segments" can restrict the record length.
Acquisition Control