Getting Started
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
To close the help window
► Tap the "Close" icon in the upper right corner of the help window, or press [BACK].
Using the Help Window
The help window has several tabs:
"View": shows the selected help topic.
"Contents": contains a table of help contents.
"Index": contains index entries to search for help topics.
"Search": provides text search.
The help toolbar provides the following buttons:
Up and down arrows: browse the topics in the order of the table of contents. Up =
previous topic, down = next topic.
Left and right arrows: browse the topics visited before: Left = back, right = forward.
Magnifiers: increase or decrease the font.
● ×
: closes the help window.
To search for a topic in the index
The index is sorted alphabetically. You can browse the list, or search for entries.
1. Tap the "Index" tab.
2. Tap the entry field on top of the list.
Operating Basics