Waveform Analysis
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
In the header section of the segment files, you find the absolute timestamp of the seg-
ment on the top. At the end, the relative timestamp of each segment is written, the time
difference to the newest segment in
s. The newest segment with index 0 has the rela-
tive timestamp 0.
To save history data:
1. Set up the history and capture the waveforms.
2. Press the [FILE] key.
3. Select "Waveforms".
4. Select the waveforms for export:
a) Tap "Select Waveform".
b) ● Select one waveform for export.
● Or select all active waveforms.
5. Enable "Save History".
If an acquisition is running, enabling "Save History" stops the acquisition.
6. Check the "Directory", the "Filename Base", and the "CSV Column Delimiter".
Adjust if necessary.
7. If you need time information for analysis, enable "Store with Time".
8. Tap "Save Waveform".
All export settings are described in
Chapter 12.4.2, "Waveform Export Settings"
History (Option R&S