Waveform Setup
Scope Rider RTH
User Manual 1326.1578.02 ─ 12
In roll mode, if analog and digital channels are active: the minimum record length of
analog channels or digital channels is used.
If the "Time Scale" is set to 100
s/div or higher, the actual record length can be higher
than the value set with
Act. Record Len. D7 - D0
Shows the actual record length of digital channels. Only available if the mixed signal
option R&S
RTH-B1 is installed, and logic channels are active.
Waveform Update
The setting is relevant if the time scale is
ms/div. At these slow timebases, you can
select how the acquired samples are displayed.
The acquired samples are displayed before the acquisition is comple-
ted. In this mode, the record length is limited to 125 ksample.
"After full
The acquired samples are displayed when the complete acquisition
has been recorded. Depending on the selected time scale, it takes
some time until the waveform is visible. This mode does not limit the
record length and is always used for time scales
Remote command:
Acquisitions per Second
Shows the number of acquired waveforms per second.
[RUN STOP] key
Starts and stops the acquisition.
Remote command:
Roll Mode
The roll mode moves the captured input data on the display from the right to the left.
The instrument shows the waveform immediately, without waiting for the complete
acquisition of the waveform record. The roll mode displays the untriggered signal. Use
the roll mode for slow, non-repetitive signals.
In roll mode, the following acquisition modes are available: sample, high resolution,
and peak detect.
To activate the roll mode:
1. Press the [MODE] key.
2. Select "Roll".
Roll Mode