VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Show Title
Displays or hides the title area of the active diagram.
This property can only be set if
is non-empty. If "Title" is empty, the title area is
always hidden
Remote command:
Overlay All
Places all traces in a single diagram area which is maximized to occupy the whole
screen. This function is available irrespective of the trace format and the channel set-
tings; it is even possible to overlay Cartesian and complex diagrams.
The active trace and active channel is highlighted. The scaling of the axes corresponds
to the active trace.
To hide all traces except one, activate the context menu of the respective trace
name segment in the trace list and select "Hide all other Traces".
Remote command:
Split All
Creates a separate diagram for each trace in the active channel setup and automati-
cally arranges those diagrams in the diagram area. Existing diagrams are deleted dur-
ing this process.
Display Lines softtool